Array ( [items (Magento\Catalog\Model\Category\Interceptor)] => Array ( [store_id] => 13 [entity_id] => 473 [attribute_set_id] => 3 [parent_id] => 469 [created_at] => 2022-08-02 11:25:07 [updated_at] => 2024-12-24 08:02:05 [path] => 1/378/468/469/473 [position] => 5 [level] => 4 [children_count] => 0 [name] => L'Amour [url_key] => l-amour [url_path] => beauty/collection/l-amour [meta_title] => Buy L'Amour Mists & Perfumes Online | Beauty | Nayomi UAE [display_mode] => PRODUCTS [amtoolkit_robots] => default [is_active] => 1 [is_anchor] => 1 [include_in_menu] => 1 [amlanding_is_dynamic] => 0 [amasty_category_product_sort] => 0 [custom_use_parent_settings] => 0 [custom_apply_to_products] => 0 [koj_custom_category_in_filters] => 0 [description] =>[meta_description] => Explore Nayomi's L'Amour women body & hair mists for ultimate fragnance in UAE. Discover exclusive body & hair sprays or perfumes for ladies. Shop now! [amasty_rule (Amasty\VisualMerch\Model\Rule\Interceptor)] => Array ( ) [path_ids] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 378 [2] => 468 [3] => 469 [4] => 473 ) [url] => https://nayomi.com/uae-en/nayomi/beauty/collection/l-amour.html ) )<div class="showmore"> <p> Experience the essence of romance with the L'Amour Collection, a range of beauty products designed to bring out your most enchanting self. With its soft hues and enticing fragrances, L'Amour evokes feelings of love, connection, and passion. Whether preparing for a date night or a personal pampering session, this collection offers a touch of magic for every moment. For a deeper, more dramatic take on romance, pair it with the rich, passionate tones of the Unforgettable Amour Collection for an unforgettable look and feel.</p> </div>
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