The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled.
[items (Magento\Catalog\Model\Category\Interceptor)] => Array
[store_id] => 14
[entity_id] => 835
[attribute_set_id] => 3
[parent_id] => 378
[created_at] => 2024-07-15 07:39:22
[updated_at] => 2024-10-08 06:25:49
[path] => 1/378/835
[position] => 24
[level] => 2
[children_count] => 0
[name] => تنزيلات
[display_mode] => PRODUCTS
[page_layout] => category-full-width
[url_key] => core-sale
[url_path] => core-sale
[amtoolkit_robots] => default
[meta_title] => اكتشفي تنزيلات نعومي أونلاين | نعومي الامارات
[app_category_banner] => /media/catalog/category/SaleCore-AR_1.jpg
[is_active] => 1
[is_anchor] => 1
[include_in_menu] => 0
[custom_use_parent_settings] => 0
[custom_apply_to_products] => 0
[amlanding_is_dynamic] => 0
[amasty_category_product_sort] => 0
[meta_description] => استمتعي بلحظات الاسترخاء والتألق مع تنشكيلتنا من نعومي الامارات. تصاميم أنيقة تضفي جمالًا وثقة. قومي بزيارة موقعنا لمعرفة المزيد عن تشكيلاتنا.
[amasty_rule (Amasty\VisualMerch\Model\Rule\Interceptor)] => Array
[path_ids] => Array
[0] => 1
[1] => 378
[2] => 835
[url] =>
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